Images via BOSTHLM
....jednoducho sa musi uznat, ze cierna a biela podciarkuje eleganciu kazdeho jedneho interieru, ak su ovsem pouzite s citom....a tu je krasny priklad toho, ze tychto farieb sa vonkoncom netreba bat... fakt, ze byt uputa pozornost priam okamzite, ale ani sa necudujem...:) biela podlaha s kobercami s geometrickymi vzormi dostane naozaj kazdeho...samozrejme ani postery, obrazy a fotografie Vas nenechaju chladnymi...
....nordicku atmosferu vidiet na kazdom kroku ...cez jedalensky kut, kuchynu, ci obyvaciu izbu....
...v kazdom pripade, byt je plnych skvelych inspiracii pripravenych aj pre Vas, tak smelo do toho!!!!
...this scandinavian apartment is absolutely fantastic....we can see that black and white colors give the chic look and elegance to whole nice interior.....oh yes, black and white are fantastic colors :) is true...this apartment grab your attention immediately....everyone of us will love white floor with the carpets of geometric shapes....of course...the posters, the pictures are fantastic too :)...
...nordic atmosphere is visible everywhere of this space...via dining corner, kitchen and living room...
in any case....this apartment is full of great inspirations maybe for you too....
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