Images via Compact Houses
...tuto krasnu a zaujimavy kancelariu ma na svedomi Maziar Behrooz Architecture, ktory viac ako dobre splnili poziadavku klienta postavit kancelariu blizko jej obytneho domu....
...kontajner je na to velmi dobrym materialom a ak sa toho chyti sikovny architekt alebo architektonicke studio, tak vysledok musi byt len a len carovny, tak ako aj v tomto pripade....
...struktura je jednoducha, ale splnilo vsetky zadane poziadavky, na prizemi sa nachadza maliarske kutik a vsetko, co sa na pracovne tvorenie tvorenie potrebuje a na poschodi sa nachadza aj miesto na prijemne posedenie po praci alebo aj s priatelmi, kolegami, ci rodinou....
...this nice and interesting office was designed by Maziar Behrooz Architecture and is situated in New York...architects had to create an office near the house of client and I think ...they made incredible place :)...
...the container is one fantastic material and clever architect or architectonic studio can do stunning thing with that...
...the structure is nice, simple and stylish...the ground floor is the place for working area and for everything what the client needs for the work....and upstairs is sitting are...the relax place for client and her family, friends or costumers....
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