Images via Notar
....tento svedsky byt, ktory je pripraveny na predaj v realitnej kancelarii Notar, zaujme hned na prvy pohlad a to nielen celkovym, vyslednym vzhladom, ale aj roznymi detailami, ktore na nas cakaju...
...tmave steny svetlemu interieru naozaj pomozu, netreba sa ich vonkoncom bat, vyzeraju skvelo....
...samozrejme, ze pri stenach nemusime zostat a ked sa to interieru vyberie tak uzasny nabytok ako v tomto pripade, tak dusa kazdeho fanusika skandinavskeho designu urcite zaplesa :)... naozaj na co sa pozerat aj v pripade interierovych dekoracii a uz ide o obrazky, ci postery, svietniky, uchytky na policky, ci samotny interierovy styling....tento byt je naozaj poklad...:)
....this swedish apartment which is ready for sale for you in Real Estate Agency Notar, is very interesting for everyone not only for final look but also for nice details.....let's go to see more...
...dark walls can help to every light interior...these walls look really wonderful....
...of course we can choose nice scandinavian furniture, nice pieces of it and I have to say that the furniture in this apartment is absolutely fabulous...
...we can continue on with perfect interior's decorations and accesorries as...the pictures and posters, cute candlesticks, tabs for shelves or nice interior'styling....this swedish flat is cool :)
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