Images via 55 kvadrat
...rozhodne ani tento byt nenecha fanusika skandinavskeho stylu chladnym uz len preto, ze je tu citit krasna, prijemna domaca atmosfera...
...v kazdej jednej izbe je viditelny typicky skandinavsky styl a styling je naozaj prvy pohlad zaujme spalna, kde je velmi vhodne zvoleny interierovy doplnok konar...rozhodne ozivi izbu, ktora sa stava aj vdaka tomuto prvku ovela zaujimavejsou...
...obyvacia izba je sice prechodna, ale aj tam najdeme nabytok, ktory chyti za srdce :) fakt, ze Skandinavci to vedia :)....
...dalsou carovnou miestnostou je kuchyna....ta je nespochybnitelne pekna a plna domacej severskej atmosfery...:)
...and this scandinavian apartment is very nice and interesting for every fan of scandinavian style...because we can see wonderful home's atmosphere in every room of this flat...
...the styling is stunning ..I love it :)....
...the bedroom is really interesting thanks to nice interior's is a looks nice and cool ...very good idea for the interior...
...the living room is nice too...I love the furniture there, the fireplace, posters or pictures and nice wooden floor in whole apartment...
...and of course...the kitchen...this room is absolutely amazing and full of home scandinavian :)
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