Images by Ceramic Art by Kamil
....z keramiky vznikaju neskutocne krasne veci, ktore dokazu priam vyrazit dych.....o tom sa presvedcite aj v tomto poste, v ktorom Vam chcem predstavit uzasnu pracu vychadzajucu z dielne pana Kamila.....
...pan Kamil tvori pod znackou Ceramic Art by Kamil a po zhliadnuti fotiek, ktore sa nachadzaju pod textom, budete urcite suhlasit, ze vyrobky su priam famozne....
...pan Kamil sa venuje tvorbe keramiky uz 10 rokov, ked si jeho brat zalozil firmu, tak mu v nej pomahal....po case vsak potreboval v tvorbe slobodu, citil, ze ho to taha ku osamostatneniu....
...v sucasnoti sa venuje tvorbe keramickych postaviciek, uzitkovych predmetov alebo suvenirov....
...vsetka krasa, ktora vznika pod Kamilovymi rukami, je z palenej hliny...vyrobky su dekorovane efektnymi glazurami....
...Kamil neskutocne miluje svoju pracu, ktora ho naplna a hliny vklada vsetko zo seba....dusu a napady....a prave tieto napady ma v hlave nastastie este velmi vela a tesi sa na kazdy novy den....praca s hlinou sa da len a len milovat uz len preto, ze je to material tvarny, ale pevny ....
....vsetky Kamilove vyrobky vznikaju v dielni, ktoru ma pri rodinnom dome a prave tu ma aj vlastnu vyrobnu pec, v ktorej si vlastnorucne vypaluje svoje vyrobky...tu sa venuje tvorbe sam, ale vzdy sa potesi pomoci manzelky a dcery, ktore mu pomahaju malovat vyrobky a zdobit ich...
...v jeho tvorbe ho podporuje cela Kamilova rodina, ktora mu dokonca pomaha s fotenim a s verejnovanim na webe....
...verim, ze Vas praca pana Kamila zaujala a rozhodne si nechcete nechat ujst aj dalsie jeho a prave tie mozete odhalit na nizsie uvedenych linkach.....
... I love ceramic products because are fantastic and stunning... can make sure about that in this post today....I would like to present to you amazing work by Mr. Kamil which creates under the brand Ceramic Art by Kamil....
...if you see his products on the images below the text you can see beauty of Kamil's work....
...Kamil works with ceramic already 10 first he helped to his brother in his company but later he chose individual work because he needed to create only her production... the moment he creates souvenirs, ceramic figures, utility items.....
....he uses baked clay....all products are decorated with glazes....
...he loves so much his work....he has a lot of ideas in his head and he wants to use every day, every minute for creation of his products....he loves the clay because it is material formable but firmly too...
...Kamil works in his workroom near his house....he works alone but his wife and daughter like to help him with painting and decoration of products....
...Kamil feels the support of his family .....they help him with product photography and publishing on the WEB.....
...I believe that you love Kamil's work....and for more his products click on .....
Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom Ceramic Art by Kamil / These images were used with kind permission of Ceramic Art by Kamil
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