Images by Lujza Marko
dufam, ze Vam prave tymto dnesnym postom sprijemnim zaciatok pracovneho
tyzdna ....ale povedzme si uprimne, kto by tomu odolal, ked zbada tak
uzasnu a preciznu pracu na fotkach, ktore su uvedene pod textom...
mi naozaj velkym potesenim predstavit znacku Lujza Marko, ktora sa
zaobera sperkami...ak chcete vediet viac,rozhodne citajte dalej :)....
touto znackou nachadzame pracu dvoch sestier Zuzky a Katky, ktorych
prioritou su site sperky, ktore vyrabaju s velkou naozaj
viditelne, ze v kazdom jednom produkte zanechavaju kus seba, pretoze vsetky do
jedneho su viac ako fantasticke :)
zaciatku celej myslienky spred 2,5 roka venovat sa sitym sperkov stala
Zuzka...bolo to pre nu prirodzene rozhodnutie uz len preto, ze od
detstva milovala handmade prace a bola velkou milovnickou sperkov,
zvlast nausnic :)...nakoniec zakotvila pri soutache sperkoch, ktore vsak
vyzaduju maximalnu presnost, esteticke citenie a kvalitu prace, ale to
pre Zuzku bola samozrejmost :)...
sperky su velmi zaujimave uz len preto, ze su krasnym a netypickym
sperkom, ktore uputaju pozornost priam okamzite....a maju neskutocne
uzasnu vyhodu...i napriek svojej velkosti su lahucke :)...
...produkciu znacky Lujza Marko predstavuju site sperky ako nausnice, celenky, nahrdelniky, naramky, brosne, opasky....
zaciatku textu som spominala, ze prioritou prace Zuzky a Katky su site
sperky...ano je to tak, ale do svojej vyroby pridali aj nieco nove,
zatial nie velmi " okukane " zipsove sperky....
...dievcata tvoria u seba doma, ale aj na dielnicku pride rad...svoju
cinnost maju aj pekne rozdelenu a to tak, ze Zuzka sa venuje sitym
sperkom a navrhom a Katka tymto navrhom vdycha dusu a realnu podobu
velkou motivaciou su ich zakaznicky a ich spokojnost....pracuju aj na
objednavku, podla poziadaviek a prave tento typ prace ich
motivuje a neustale posuva vpred :)
Vas uchvatna praca Zuzky a Katky doslova dostala, tak nevahajte
navstivit aj ich stranku na facebooku, kde je mozne vidiet viac z ich
....I believe that you will have a nice start of working week with my this today's post...
...I want to present to you really fantastic slovak brand Lujza Marko which produces cute jewelry...
brand presents work of two sisters Susan and Catherine...these two
young women creates artistic products with a big love....
...this brand was founded by Susan more than 2 years a six months ago....she loves handmade works from her childhood and was and still is a big fan of jewelry ( especially earrings )...she fallen in love with soutache jewelry because their production requires aesthetic feeling and precision....
....soutache jewelry are very interesting because this type of jewelry is nice and atypically part of each outfit and grab your attention immendiatelly....and one feature is absolutely great....this jewelry is easy despite the size... the production of Lujza Marko you can find earrings, necklases, belts, headbands, brooches,.... first they produced jewelry site and a little bit later they produce zipper jewelry...their cooperation is great ...Susan creates soutache jewelry and draws sketch and then Cathy makes their real faces :)....
...their big motivation are happy and satisfied clients...
...if you want to see more from their production...don't hesitate and click on the link below....
Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Zuzky / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Susan
....soutache jewelry are very interesting because this type of jewelry is nice and atypically part of each outfit and grab your attention immendiatelly....and one feature is absolutely great....this jewelry is easy despite the size... the production of Lujza Marko you can find earrings, necklases, belts, headbands, brooches,.... first they produced jewelry site and a little bit later they produce zipper jewelry...their cooperation is great ...Susan creates soutache jewelry and draws sketch and then Cathy makes their real faces :)....
...their big motivation are happy and satisfied clients...
...if you want to see more from their production...don't hesitate and click on the link below....
Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Zuzky / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Susan
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