Images via Lundin
...dnesny podkrovny byt som jednoducho na blog musela uverejnit, lebo je velmi zaujimavy svojim interierovym stylingom a fotky som prezerala s otvorenymi ustami :)
....podkrovne byty vonkoncom nie je lahke zariadovat, ale tu sa musi nechat, ze je to zvladnute viac ako bravurne....
...neodmyslitelnou sucastou takehoto bytu su tramy, ktore dodavaju celemu interieru uchvatnu domacu atmosferu a byt hned vyzera utulnejsie....
...samozreme, ze byt vyzera elegantne a utulne aj vdaka pastelovym farbam a bielej, ktora celkovu eleganciu len a len podciarkuje...:)
...domaci velmi vhodne zvolili typ nabytku a aj znacky od skandinavskych designerov, takze tento byt je radost pozerat a verim, ze este krajsie je tu byvat...:)
...this attic swedish apartment has to post on my blog because is very interesting thanks to interior's design and looks so stunning and fresh...I believe that it is not easy to arrange the attic spaces but this one is absolutely perfect...
...I think the beams are cool and nice feature in every interior because help to create cozy and stylish atmosphere....
...of course....this apartment looks stunning also thanks to nice colors...the white give to interior elegant effect...
....I love so much the furniture which is chosen perfectly...scandinavian designers are absolutely no.1...
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