Images via Innerstadsspecialisten
....tento svedsky byt je naozaj velmi krasny a uplne uzasny na zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna...zvolila som si ho pre jeho sviezu atmosferu a eleganciu...
...moju pozornost zaujala kuchyna, ktora je priam fantasticka a zaujimava, skandinavska elegancia sa tu jednoducho neda upriet :)
....pozoruhodne su aj ostatne izby a neskutocne som sa zamilovala do detskej izby, ta je fakt carovna...
...this swedish apartment is absolutely amazing and is great for the start of working week....I have chosen this lovely space for fresh atmosphere and elegance...
...I love this flat for cool kitchen which is fantastic and interesting, scandinavian elegance is great here....
...other rooms are nice too...I love kids room which is so fabulous...
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