Images by Ekrazitka pravdou, ze obdivujem krasne prace z drotu, ktory mi v poslednom case velmi ucaril a preto jednoducho musím uverejnit tento post o jednej sikovnej zienke, ktora dokaze vykuzlit tak krasne a carovne produkty z drotu, ktore vidime uverejnene na fotografiach pod textom...
...vsetku tuto nadheru mozete vidiet pod znackou Ekrazitka a mozete mi verit, ze pri prezerani jej produktov nebudete vediet ani dychat....
...pani Maja sa ku praci s drotom dostala obklukou, ked spociatku vymyslala cinnost pre svoje deti...spociatku to bola praca s FIMOM a spolu vyrabali magnetky, ale kedze sa do ruk pani Majke priplietli aj koralky, tak vyskusala tvorbu a prave pri nich sa Majka stretla s drotom, ktory spociatku vyuzivala na vyplnanie nausnic....chcela vsak z drotu vykuzlit ovela viac a preto sa rozhodla drot pouzivat ako svoj hlavny material....
....a tak zacali vznikat nausnice a naramky, pri ktorych pouzivala hlavne drot a v sucasnosti uz od drotu Majka nedokaze upustit....drot kombinuje spolu s mineralmi, kamenmi alebo vyraznymi koralkami zo skla :)...
....ste zvedavi, co vsetko mozete najst pod znackou Ekrazitka?....urcite vsetky Vase ocakavania budu splnene, pretoze tu mozete najst kvalitne naramky, privesky, nausnice, prstene, nahrdelniky, dekoracie...toto vsetko pani Majka vyraba z medeneho drotu, ktory je postriebreny ( 925 Ag ), takze aj udrzba sperkov je presne taka ista ako pri striebre...
...Majka svoju tvorivu pracu povazuje za relax a nevymenila by to za nic na svete, svoje pracovne kralovstvo ma v kruhu rodiny, na stole v obyvacej izbe a vsetky produkty tvori v pohodovej atmosfere...
...svoju motivaciu nachadza vsade naokolo....v prirode, v kvetoch alebo dokonca aj v rozpravkach, ktore pozeraju deti....v kazdom pripade jej motivaciou je neocenitelna spokojnost zakaznikov, ktori sa ku nej s radostou vracaju....
...ak vas oslovili vyrobky pani Majky, tak ako mna, urcite klikajte na nasledujuci link, kde toho objavite rozhodne ovela viac
* is true that I love so much the work and the products which are produced from the wire...and I would like to post today's text and introduce the work of one clever woman Majka which works under the brand Ekrazitka...
...Majka's way to find her love of wire needed the time.....she needed to find the work for her children, at first they worked with FIMO and made some magnets, then she found some interesting corals and she made some nice earrings but she used the wire for filled earrings...but a little bit later she tried to use the wire as a main material....
...she made the earrings, bracelets...she combinated it with nice stones, corals of glass and minerals...
...Do you want to know what you can find under the brand Ekrazitka? ....perfect products as a earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and decorations...Mrs. Majka uses the copper wire which is silver - plated ( 925 Ag )...
... this work is a big relax for Majka, she creates in the living room and she is able to make absolutely magical products in cool domestical atmosphere...
...she knows to find her motivation everywhere around nature, in flowers or in a fairy-tales.... any case...her clients are big motivation for her and she is thankful to have it:)
...if you like the products of Ekrazitka as me, don't hesitate and click on the link can find more...
* is true that I love so much the work and the products which are produced from the wire...and I would like to post today's text and introduce the work of one clever woman Majka which works under the brand Ekrazitka...
...Majka's way to find her love of wire needed the time.....she needed to find the work for her children, at first they worked with FIMO and made some magnets, then she found some interesting corals and she made some nice earrings but she used the wire for filled earrings...but a little bit later she tried to use the wire as a main material....
...she made the earrings, bracelets...she combinated it with nice stones, corals of glass and minerals...
...Do you want to know what you can find under the brand Ekrazitka? ....perfect products as a earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and decorations...Mrs. Majka uses the copper wire which is silver - plated ( 925 Ag )...
... this work is a big relax for Majka, she creates in the living room and she is able to make absolutely magical products in cool domestical atmosphere...
...she knows to find her motivation everywhere around nature, in flowers or in a fairy-tales.... any case...her clients are big motivation for her and she is thankful to have it:)
...if you like the products of Ekrazitka as me, don't hesitate and click on the link can find more...
Spomínam si na jeden. Bol prvý, ktorý bol iný. Majka asi bude vedieť ktorý. :)Vedela som už vtedy, že Majka pôjde cestou nádhernej a originálnej tvorby. Teším sa z jej pokroku za posledný rok. Ďakujeme za priblíženie jej tvorby.