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Amazing international talent

Images via Tatiana Siedlova mi velkou ctou uverejnit tento post o velmi talentovaj maliarke pani Tatiane Siedlovej.... svojom talente pracovala od detstva a dokazala ho rozvijat v roznych krajinach ako Taliansko, Ceska republika a Slovensko, kde sa mohli priaznivci vytvarneho umenia zoznamit s jej obrazmi.....
...tato talentovana maliarka pochadzajuca z Kyjeva svoje vzdelanie nadobudla na Vysokej skole vytvarnych umeni a architektury, vystavovala na Medzinarodnych vystavach v Taliansku, v Bratislave v Narodnej galerii, Ceskej DNM galeriii, v Ceskej republike v Krajskej vedeckej kniznici a urcite potesila nejedno oko i na inych znamych medzinarodnych vystavach...
...takisto sa zucastnila aj mnohych medzinarodnych sutazi ako napriklad Medzinarodna sutaz World Art 2015, Medzinarodna sutaz s podporou prezidenta Talianskej republiky "Premio Citta 'Di Porto Sant'Elpidio", Medzinárodná súťaž s podporou prezidenta Talianskej republiky "PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE d'Arte" PERLA DELL'ADRIATICO " a mnohe dalsie....
...ak Vas jej obrazy zaujali rozhodne si ich nenechajte ujst na vystavach v Nitre alebo ich  mozete vidiet aj na facebookovskej stranke....


...I am very happy to write this post about talented artist Mrs.Tatiana Siedlova...
.....she worked on her talent from childhood and studied and worked in europeen countries as Italy, Czech republic or Slovakia....where people can see her pictures and fallen in love with her talent...
...she is from Kiev, she studied at University of Fine Arts and Architecture...she had a lot of exhibitions as International exhibition in Italy, in National Gallery in Bratislava, Slovakia, National gallery in Czech republic, in Czech Republic, Liberec, Regional Research Library and on other famous exhibitions.....
....she was also a part a lot of international competitions as International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE “PERLA DELL’ADRIATICO”,
competition "World Art - 2015". Slovakia, Bratislava. Premium of international criticism,  International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO CITTA’ DI PORTO SANT’ELPIDIO"....
.....if you love her pictures, visit her exhibitions in Nitra, Slovakia or see her facebook's page

 Series "Fortune". Fortuna. Painting, 100x70x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1550 EUR

 Angels don't cry, Painting 100x80x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1550 EUR

 "Butterfly girl". Painting 80x60x2 cm. oil on canvas, 1750EUR

 "Eva. Temptation. I have a secret. " Painting. 100x70x2 cm, 1750EURO

"Farewell to childhood". Painting 120x80x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1750 EUR

"Love is blindess". Painting 80x60x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1550 EUR

 Our dreams. Paiting, 60x80x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1550 EURO

 Prayer,  Painting, 100x70x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1550 EUR

 Series "Fortunes". "Tameless".  Painting 100x8x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1550 EUR

 Series "Fortune". Played the role. Painting 100x70x2 cm, oil on canvas, 1750 EUR

Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom paniTatiany Siedlovej / The images were used with kind permission of Mrs.Tatiana Siedlova


  1. Nádhera, Our dreams mi chytil za <3...Talent je talent...

    Měj se krásně a mé oči děkují za takovou krásu:-).

    Papa, ByGabra


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