....dnesny byt je uzasnym prikladom toho, ze sa vobec nemusime bat ciernej a bielej farby v interieri...su to farby, ktore prinesu elegantny ton do celeho priestoru ....
...v tomto poste vidime uzasnu kombinaciu elegancie a uchvatneho skandinavskeho designu...je pravda, ze pre Skandinavcov je o to lahsie dosiahnut nadherne a prijemne byvanie uz len preto, ze maju k dispozicii same klenoty svetoveho designu a naozaj maju z coho vyberat...nastastie je to uz mozne zakupit aj u nas a samozrejme nevahajme siahnut ani po uzasnych kuskoch z Ikea, po roznych doplnkoch, ci posteroch, ktore vela napomozu v interieri...a ked k tomu zapojite aj svoju fantaziu, vycarite pre seba naozaj skvele byvanie....
....today's flat is nice example that we can use black and white color in the interior with any problems and we are able to create really perfect and comfortable space....
...these colors bring elegance into every room...we can see it in every image of this post...
...I love so much scandinavian design for freshness and we can see here a lot of nice pieces....that's right that scandinavian people can create with these pieces really fabulous atmosphere and also people can buy it really everywhere...don't hesitate to use wonderful pieces from Ikea, nice accesories or poster which decorate nice space.....
Images via Lansforsankringar
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