...aj Vy ste sa zobudili do uprsaneho a poriadne zamraceneho letneho dna?....tak si ho spolocne sprijemnime aspon uzasnymi fotografiami z jedneho skandinavskeho bytu a ja jednoznacne mozem povedat, ze potom nam ani ten dazd nebude vadit...:)
... ani tentokrat mna nesklamala biela, seda farba a pouzite dreva, co dodalo celemu interieru ten spravny smrnc....
...cely byt zaujal svojou priestrannostou, vysokym stropom a sviezostou....
...spravnou volbou pren bol minimalisticky styl a tie najvhodnejsie dekorativne prvky, styling posterov, ci uchvatne kusky skandinavskeho nabytku, ktore potesia nejedno oko nas fanusikov skandinavskeho interieroveho designu....
...dufam, ze som Vam s tymto krasnym nordickym interierom sprijemnila tento uprsany pondelok a prajem Vam krasny den....
....although today is really rainy and cloudy day I believe you will have better mood when you look on these perfect images from one scandinavian apartment and I can say then you will have better day...
....I love so much white, grey colors and wood which are using in the interior very nicely and every room looks more chic....
...this space is more interesting for many things but I like his spacious, freeshness and high ceilings....
....minimalist style for this flat was the best choice and we can not forget also for cute styling of posters, stunning pieces of scandinavian furniture which are cool for every fan of nordic interior's design...
...I hope that you love this apartment and after reading and watching these images your raining day will be nicier...Have a nice day...
Images via Edward Partners
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