.....aj ked je zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna ....zas a znova....verim,ze budete mat dobru naladu, na ktorej sa bude podielat nielen krasne a slnecne pocasie, ale aj moj dnesny svedsky interier.....a vzhladom na dnesne fotografie, ktore vidite pod textom, tak Vam dobra nalada urcite vydrzi po cely den :)...
...tento uzasny 2 - izbovy byt stoji naozaj na pozretie..ze preco?.....priestranne izby su utulne a velmi dobre vyuzite, je pravda, ze spalni pomohol aj kozub, ktory navodzuje tu spravnu atmosferu, ale ani ostatne izby a ich styling sa nedaju zahanbit....
...neskutocne zboznujem, ked sa v interieri nachadza drevo, surove tehly, postery a geometricke tvary na dekoraciach, rozhodne sa v tomto tento byt neda zahanbit...no a my....fanusikovia svedkeho designu si prideme na svoje uzasnym vyberom nabytku, svetiel a dekoriacii....ten pracovny stol v spalni je absolutna bomba, co poviete :)....
....although it is start of working day ...again :)....I hope that you will have nice mood.....nice sunny and summer's weather and of course my today's interior on my blog help to keep your smile on your face whole day.....:)
...you have to see this amazing two rooms flat ..why? ...spacious rooms are cozy and space is used nicely...that's sure the fireplace helps to whole atmosphere but another rooms are perfect as well with styling...
....I adore so much that I see the wood, bricks, posters and geometric shapes on decorations in the interior and this flat is full of it....I believe that you will have furniture, lights and decorations.....but notice working table in the bedroom....it is absolutely coooool :)
Images via HusmanHagberg
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