....aj dnesny interier na 100% ulahodi ako Vasim ociam, tak aj srdiecku...
...mna skandinavske byty jednoznacne dostali svojou priestrannostou, sviezou atmosferou a nenutenostou , no a rozhodne sa tento dnesny interier pysi aj jedinecnym stylom....
....pre mna je kuchyna priam fantasticka, je zvolena viac nez dobre na priestory, v ktorych sa nachadza a urcite patri medzi top kuchyne....
....obyvaciu izbu zdobi ako kozub, tak aj jedinecne prvky nabytku, takze je radost sa pozerat a za pozornost stoji urcite aj spalna, ktora priam laka na oddych a lenosenie.....veru nedala by som sa trikrat ponukat :)
....moje srdiecko zapistalo od radosti, ked som zbadala uzasnu drevenu podlahu, dokonca aj v kuchyni, koberce s geometrickymi tvarmi....absolutna bomba a absolutnou bombou je pre mna aj kupelna, jednoducha s cierno - bielou podlahou...WOW....krasna elegancia...
...don't hesitate and take your time to watch this today's post....it is about amazing nordic interior and the space is absolutely perfect and fresh....
....I love so much scandinavian interiors for many reasons.....especially for fresh air, spacious, high ceiling and style....
..and what about today's flat?....oh yeah.....the kitchen is so cool, the kitchen unit is chosen well for the space where is located.... and I think is absolutely top...
....the living room looks very nice and comfortable.....I like the fireplace and all pieces of furniture...
oh... yes, don't forget to notice the bedroom ....this room is so cozy and offer to nice place for relax....
....I am very happy to see perfect wooden floor in every room, carpets woth geometric shapes and perfect black and white combination in the bathroom....nice style and elegance...
Images via Innerstadsspecialisten
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