....tak na tento dnesny interier mozem povedat len WOW....je absolutne uzasny a fanusikov skandinavskeho interieroveho designu urcite potesi....
...ako vidime v jednotlivych izbach, nemusime sa bat ako bielej, tak ani tmavej, ci cierne farby na stenach...a ak zvolime ten spravny styling, ci uz s postermi, fotografiami, zelenymi kvetmi, ci svetlami, dokazeme vykuzlit naozaj carovne byvanie....
....urcite mi date za pravdu, ked poviem, ze prave kuchyna zaposobi na kazdeho z nas....uz davno som nevidela podlahu v takejto kombinacii, co je moja oblubena a este ked sa spoji s mojimi oblubenymi tehlami a spravnou farbou kuchynskej linky, tak je len radost sa pozerat....co poviete?
...when I saw this interior...I could say only...WOW....this apartment is realy fantastic and cool and it is a treasure for fans of scandinavian interior's design...
....this space is nice example that we can use white and dark or black colors on the walls without any block...if we use correct styling for example with posters, images, green plants or lights....we are able to create magical living...
...I believe that you will agree with my opinion that the kitchen is dominant....I love the floor, the bricks and color of kitchen unit...oh yes....is absolutely cool :)
Images via Entrancemakleri
Images by Anders Bergstedt
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