.....ani dnesny den nemozem obist pekny a stylovy svedsky byt....volba padla na skvely podkrovny byt, ktory uputa na prvy pohlad...
...zaujme svojou architekturou a priestorovym rozlozenim, co je pre mnohych stylistov aj vyzva....:) ....musime uznat, ze zariadene je to skvele a bonbonik pre nase oci je nielen interier, ale aj exterier....
...farebna kombinacia je uzasna, ale mohli cely byt ozivit ako geoemtrickymi tvarmi, ci postermi, ktore kazdemu jednemu interieru len a len pomozu, tu to trochu chyba, ale je to vykompenzovane utulnym stylingom, skvelym vyberom stoliciek alebo aj svetiel....
...aky mate nazor na tento byt prave Vy?....
....when I saw this attic nordic apartment I decided to post it on our blog....I would like to show you some nice and interesting things in the interior which grab your attention ....
...this attic space is interesting with nice architecture and spatial arrangement which is challenge for stylists....that is right there is nice styling but not only interior...we can nor forget also for the exterior...
...I love color's combination but what I need to put inside are geometric shapes and posters.....these basic things give to every interier life and elegance.....but what is nice and cute are cozy styling and great choice of chairs and lights...
...what do you think about this interior?...
Images via Lagerlins
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