....pravdu povediac, vzhladom na to chladne a uprsane pocasie a zaciatok skolskeho roka si musime dat nieco na pozdvihnutie nasej nalady .....pevne verim, ze vyber dnesneho skandinavskeho interieru Vas len a len potesi....
....v kazdom pripade utulny nie je len interier, ale nemozeme obist ani balkon, na ktorom si Skandinavci, ak ho maju k dispozicii, davaju zalezat....
....byt posobi uzasne a utulne nielen vdaka dobrym vyberom farieb, ale aj materialu....pretoze ak sa siahne po dreve, ktore vidime na konferencnom stoliku....teda ten je uchvatny.....ale aj na parketach, tak sa siahne viac nez spravne...:)
...ak by som Vam mala povedat, co mna zaujalo na tomto byte, tak to by sme tu boli dlho a musela by som Vam opisat snad cely byt...:), ale co mna prinutilo, aby som sa pri tomto interieri zastavila, su farby a kuchyna, no a potom som objavovala viac a viac, takze nech sa paci, hor sa na objavovanie uzasneho svedskeho interieru....rozhodne neolutujete....
...I said that we needed something nice and full of ideas in this colder and rainy weather.... I think that my today's choice of scandinavian interior is correct and pleasant for your mood....and you will be happy to see more from this space...
....this apartment is interesting not only with interior but also with the balcony... scandinavian people create the cozy space on the balcony because is the part of their home life....
...the apartment looks very stunning and fresh, people who live here chose well not only the colors but also the material who is very important in the atmosphere of whole space...we can see the wood in coffee table / this table is sooooo fantastic.....and also for the floor.....
.....I love whole apartment but I fallen in love with this space when I saw the colors and the kitchen and then also other things...so take your time and have a look on this cool interior....
Images via Notar
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