...to hrozne pocasie sa drzi zuby nechtami a nie a nie odist....uz dolahlo zial aj na mna a ked aj Vy ste v rovnakom stave ako ja, tak sa len zakuklite do teplej deky s teplym cajom a nenechajte si ujst dnesny krasny interier....
....ako po mnohe predchadzajuce dni, tak aj dnes tu najdete uzasny, elegantny a stylovy nordicky byt, ktory Vas nesklame a uspokoji aj tych narocnejsich....
....velmi ma potesilo, ze domaci stavili ako na stylovy, tak aj kvalitny nabytok, no mimochodom, ked sme uz pritom, tak skandinavsky design sa rovna kvalite, takze ten nesklame nikdy....
...vidime tu uzasny vyber jedalenskeho kuta, stolicky su uchvatne, a nesklame ani obyvackovy kut :)...
....rozhodne tento byt vynika aj svojou utulnostou, dobrym vyberom bledsej farby drevenej podlahy, ktora vynikne v kontraste s tmavsimi kuskami nabytku, no jednoducho povedane, je vazne na co sa pozerat.....
....today is really terrible weather and if you are ill like me don't hesite and watch today's perfect nordic interior with hot tea in warm blanket.....
...if you want to see more and more from scandinavian design you have to visit my blog ...I believe that you will be very happy to see today's flat.....the whole space is interesting and grab our attention from the first to the last room..:)
....I was very satisfied to see nice choice of furniture.....especially nice dining set, the chairs and perfect living corner...yes...I can say that this furniture has high quality but by the way scandinavian design is high quality.....
.....the apartment is full of cosiness, I love pale wooden floor which is nice in combination with dark pieces of furniture...oh yes, this flat is cool :)
Images via Notar
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