.....ak dnes otvarate nas blog s nadejou, ze najdete skvely interier plny inspiracii rozhodne nebudete sklamani....dnes som pre Vas vybrala uzasny interier, s ktorym chcem poukazat, co vsetko biela farba dokaze a ze sa jej vonkoncom nemusime obracat chrbtom....
....tento skvely dom je plny svetla a energie najma vdaka bielej farbe, ta mu dodava smrnc a eleganciu....samozrejme, ze vsetko ide ruka v ruka a ulohu bielej farby dokoncime skvelym vyberom nabytku, dekoracii, posterov a textilii....
...urcite sa nemusime obavat, ze nieco pokazime nespravnym vyberom.....v skandinavskom designe som sa s niecim, co nevyzeralo dobre v interieri nestretla, a ak naozaj mate strach, staci sa len a len poradit....nebojme sa pouzit postery, geometricke tvary v priestore, tie zarucene vytvaraju magicky vysledok....
...if you want to see one magical scandinavian interior you can open our blog without any problem....today's interior, today's house will be right for Monday morning because is full of light, energy and inspirations...
...this nordic house is amazing...I love this space because we can find here white color on the wall and also in the furniture....it is nice for watching and it is also a proof that you are able to create cool and stylish home with this color for your family....but don't forget to choose nice combination with textiles, decorations or posters...
....you don't have to be afraid that you choose something wrong....I don't see any uncorrect interior with scandinavian pieces because scandinavian design has all pieces nice.....don't forget to use the posters and geometric shapes in the interior......these pieces create amazing and magical result in the space.....
Images via Svenskfast
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