....ano je to tak...priznavam, ze ani dnes som neodolala carovnemu skandinavskemu bytu, kde zas a znova kraluje presklenny predel.....ale ako sami uvidite, tomuto interieru sa neda odolat...:)
...je uzasny a zaujme na prvy pohlad a doslova a do pismena Vas donuti, aby ste neodchadzali a prehliadli si ho do konca....aj ked je byt maly, je vyrieseny ku vsetkej spokojnosti....
...nikdy som si nemyslela, ze cierna kuchynska linka moze byt taka carovna a ona jednoducho je, spolu s jedalenskym setom posobia viac nez elegantne....
....zvysny priestor je sice maly, ale vyrieseny s rozumom, oddelene zony so sklennou stenou posobia stylovo a ked sa takyto typ steny zvoli do akehokolvek interieru na predel zon, tomu danemu interieru to len a len pomoze....
....a kedze dnes nastava posledny pracovny den, prajem Vam, aby ubehol rychlo a uzite si pevne verim, ze slnecny a teplejsi vikend, uvidime sa v pondelok...:)
...oh yes....I confess that I fallen in love with today's interior where the glass wall is dominated again....but when you will see the images from the apartment you will understand why I posted it on my blog today...
...the flat is absolutely amazing...although is small but the problem with the space was solved very successful....
....I didn't think that black kitchen unit could be cool and wonderful and it is.....when I saw this kitchen I said only...WOW....:) this kitchen with dining table look very elegant....
...the rest of space is really small but when people chose glass wall for their home, they did very well...I think that glass wall solves the problem with space in every interior....
....today is last working day and I wish you nice and warmer weekend and see you on Monday...:)
Images via Innerstadsspecialisten
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