....kazdym dnom sa presviedcam, ze Skandinavci su majstrami interieroveho designu......je to fakt a tento blog je toho prikladom, kedze kazdy jeden interier, ktory je tu uverejneny, je velkym skvostom....
...ich vyhoda je v tom, ze maju tolko velikanov v interierovom designe, ze nase oci sa mozu pokochat nabytkom, ci dekoraciami, co obdivujeme v kazdom jednom byte, ale vyhodou je aj to, ze ich interiery, ktore maju k dispozicii, maju uzasne priestorove usporiadanie a hlavne, co obdivujem stale, hlavne vysoky strop....
....a vynimkou v tomto nie je ani dnesny interier, ktory potesi nase srdiecko....je zaujimavy a priestorovo a hlavne sikovne rieseny....nasu pozornost zaujme riesenie obyvacej miestnosti a home officu, kedze bol pravdepodobne potrebny pre domacich a nechceli ho mat umiestneny v spalni, sikovne to vyriesili sklennou prieckou od obyvacej miestnosti, je to dobry napad a hlavne stylovy....
....farby ako vzdy nas nesklamu, tak isto aj kralovska kuchyna, kde ma potesila drevena podlaha a jedalensky stol....vazne dobra volba....ale to vidime v celom byte....radost pozerat, co poviete?
....I am sure that scandinavian people are perfect in interior's styling....it is fact because this blog is proof of it, every post, every interior which you can see here, is so stunning...
...one of advantages is that they have big people, big designers which offered fantastic things to whole world and we can see in also in the interiors, it is some furniture or decorations....another advantage is high ceiling which offers fresh atmosphere in every home.....or interesting spatial arrangement.....
....all these things we can see also in today's interior....I love this flat, is absolutely amazing ....
....I love solution in the living room.....this room is nice and interesting because we see here creation of home office with glass wall....cool idea when you don't want home office in the bedroom...
...the colors are perfect in whole apartment, the kitchen is fabulous...I love so much here wooden floor and wooden dining table....it is really perfect home.....
Images via Entrancemakleri
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