...rozmyslam nad tym, ake slova zvolim, aby som Vas upriamila na tento skvely skandinavsky byt...no ale po vzhliadnuti fotografii ziadne ani hladat nemusim, kedze tento interier sa dokaze prezentovat aj sam....fotky z tohto bytu hovoria samy za seba a nam uz len sanka padne dole...:)
...neskutocne svetlo len znasobuje vsetky plusy tohto bytu a samozrejme aj dobre zvolena biela farba, ktora dava celemu priestoru kralovsky styl...
...cely priestor je vyuzity uplne uzasne od vrchu az po podlahu, no a moje oci sa musia len a len kochat krasnymi postermi a geometrickymi tvarmi....
....za neskutocne dobry napad ocenujem vyuzitie vysokeho priestoru a najdenie miesta pre spalnu, takze u mna je tento byt absolutnou jednickou :)....
....I am thinking about correct words which can grab your attention for this magical interior...but this interior is able to present whole space thanks to amazing images....and I can say only ...WOW...for this interior....
....I love so much unbelievable light....this light gives to whole space fabulous atmosphere and the light with white color give royal style to whole apartment...
...people who live here...used the space from the ceiling to the floor...used every square meter and I am so happy to see amazing posters and geometric shapes....
....I love the great idea for the bedroom, find the space on the upstairs.....WOW....lovely and stylish idea....
Images via ESNY
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