....pozeram ako pozeram von oknom, nemozem uverit vlastnym ociam....leje celu noc a vyzera, ze bude aj cely den, tak co tak zahlbit sa do krasneho skandinavskeho interieru a zabudnut, co sa deje za oknami?...pride mi to ako dobry napad, tak sa pridajte...:)
....na dnes som zvolila interier, ktory je jeden z mala, co nam dokaze vyrazit dych....myslim, ze ale domaci nemali velku pracu, pretoze ako styling, tak aj vyber nabytku je zvladnuty bravurne :)...
...je fakt, ze celemu bytu kraluje kuchyna, je jej velkou vyhodou, ze sa rozklada v priestrannej miestnosti, hoci to nemusi byt vzdy dobre, tu to priam lahodi oku....uzasne su zvolene ako farby stien, nabytku, ale v ziadnom pripade nemozeme zabudnut na materialy v byte, krore zvlast mna potesili a to su surove tehly a drevena podlaha je priam kralovska....takze radost nielen pozerat, ale urcite aj byvat....:)
....when I am looking through the window I can not believe...it is raining all night and I thing it will be also all day....I think we will do better to forget what is going on outside and we choose to read today's post about great scandinavian interior....I think it is good idea so let's go..:)
....I have chosen today one interior which grab our attention immediatelly...this space is amazing from the first room to the last one, we can find here nice styling and nice choice of furniture as well....
....it is fact that the kitchen is dominated in whole interior.....one of advantage is that the kitchen is located in big room and for this type of kitchen is good.....it looks fresh.....
...I love so much the colors of the walls, the furniture but we can not forget on the materials in whole apartment especially on my favourite bricks and wooden floor...it is nice to see this beauty and also to living here...
Images via Lundin
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