...ako je tu velkym pravidlom, tak aj dnes uvidite krasny svedsky interier s neskutocnou atmosferou....
...tento byt ma uzasnu vyhodou, je svetly a sviezi a to je este podciarknute energickou bielou farbou na stenach a dobrym vyberom nabytku....
....cely interier je neklamnym dokazom, ze si domaci potrpeli nielen na kvalitu, ale aj na styl, kuchynska linka je dobre vybrata, uchvatna je v kombinacii s jedalenslym stolom a Eames stolickami, ktore kazdemu priestoru len a len pomozu nielen vizualne, ale aj pohodlim, ktore ponukaju pre kazdeho z nas :)
....detske izby su inspirujuce, stan pre deti je vzdy len a len dobrou volbou....
....mna osobne nesklamala ziadna izba, pretoze tu vidime uzasne kusky nabytku, postery, geometricke tvary, takze ja som skalopevne presvedcena, ze sa tu urcite dobre byva :)
...it is a rule that you can find nice interior every day on our blog....and also today you can see nice swedish apartment with stunning atmosphere...
....this interior has amazing advantage, it is full of light and freshness, the colors were chosen nicely and furniture as well....
...the whole interior is a proof that people who live there love high quality and nice style....the kitchen unit is chosen correct, the color of unit is absolutely perfect in combination with pale floor and amazing dining table with my favourite Eames chairs which offer comfort to everyone...
....I love so much kids rooms, these spaces are amazing ...:)
....I like this apartment, every room because we can see here fabulous pieces of furniture, posters, geoemtric shapes and I believe that living is amazing in this flat....
Images via Fastighetsbyran
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