...ako po ine dni, tak aj dnes sa nebudete vediet odtrhnut od fotografii svedskeho interieru, ktory som si pre Vas pripravila...
...je to absolutna bomba od zaciatku az po koniec, clovek nevie od radosti, kde sa ma skor pozerat....je to naozaj tak....
...ako prve do oci udrie uchvatna kuchyna, v ktorej je radost varit, ale aj stretavat sa s priatelmi a s rodinou pri chutnej veceri...
...elegancia z kuchyne sa prelina do obyvacej miestnosti, kde su krasne designerske kusky a styling celej izby sa velmi podaril...
...v rovnakom duchu sa nesie aj detska izba so spalnou, ktoru ozivila krasna farba stien....
...neskutocny doraz ako na interier sa kladie aj na terasy, ktore su utulne a je vidiet, ze su velmi oblubene...
....I would like to show you absolutely amazing interior today which is fabulous and elegant and believe me the elegance of this apartment has breathtaking atmosphere....
...it is true that tha space is interesting from the first to the last room ...
...the kitchen is first room which takes our attention...and I can say that it is pleasure to cook here and also meet the family or friend at meal...
...we can meet the elegance also in the living room where we see perfect designer's pieces and nice styling ...
...I love so much the kids room and the bedroom which is cool color of the walls which give the life to whole space
....the terraces are absolutely cute and amazing....certainly there are favourite places of whole family...
Images via Entrancemakleri
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