...ani posledny pracovny den nevynecham a uverejnim uzasny svedsky interier, ktory je dokazom toho, aky velky podiel na vytvoreni utulneho domova ma prave drevo...
...obyvatelia tohto bytu su velkymi fanusikmi dreva a drevenych doplnkov a nevahali ich zakomponovat do ich interieru a urobili velmi dobre.....prave to vidime na skvelom vybere podlahy aleb aj stylovom drevenom barovom stoliku...
...no nase oci sa mozu pokochat na drevenom obklade steny prave v spalni, kde sa to uzasne hodi a vytvara priam dokonalu atmosferu pohodlia....
...v neposlednom rade dreveny obklad mozeme vidiet v kuchyni, kde je zvoleny skvely odtien dreva, ktory v kombinacii s farbou steny vytvara uzasny sulad...
...je to naozaj dokonaly byt a ako tu mozete vidiet, drevo dokaze vytvorit fantasticky domov...
....I have to post this fantastic cozy scandinavian interior for various causes...we can see magical atmosphere in every room, this space is nice proof of the fact that the wood is cool material and looks fantastic...
...people who live here ....are big fans of wood and wooden accessories, they didn't hesitate to use it in their interior and they did very well.....we can see nice choice of wooden trolley, wooden floor...
...everyone of us who is big fan of wood has to fallen in love with wooden paneling behind the bed and wooden bedside tables, all these thing create perfect atmosphere....
...oh yes, we can see another wooden paneling, it is in the kitchen, this kitchen's sink is fantastic and nice idea and looks amazing with the color of wall....
....this flat is really stunning and we can see here that the wood helps to creat dreaming home...
Images via Stadshem
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