...nastastie ma necaka prerabka nasho bytu, pretoze by som sa vobec nevedela rozhodnut medzi bielou farbou a tmavou v jednotlivych miestnostiach....v interieri vyzeraju tieto farby skvelo a po dnesnom poste by som bola este viac nerozhodna...ale nevadi....mozno mi v rozhodovani pomoze prave dnesny skandinavsky byt....a mozno aj Vam...
...je naozaj neskutocny a industrialne posobiaca kuchyna je priam jedinecna, kedze som velkym fanusikom dreva, musim ocenit jedalensky stol...ten by som brala vsetkymi desiatimi...
...tmava farba je pre spalnu vybrana spravne, posobi utulne, stylovo a hlavne svetlo, ako tejto izbe, tak celemu interieru velmi pomaha vysoky strop a uzasne interierove dvere....
...nezabudnite si vsimnut krasne podlahy v celom byte ako aj fakt, ze sucastou tohto domova su zelene kvety, ktore sa nachadzaju v kazdej izbe a prave tie vytvaraju jedinecnu atmosferu domova...
...I know when I will rebuild my apartment I will have a big problem....to decide between white and dark colors for some rooms of my home .... oh yes..it will be big problem because these colors look perfect in the interior....but never mind....maybe today's apartment will be helpful and I take correct decision....maybe it will be helpful also for you....
....this interior is unbelievable and industial's look of the kitchen is great...I am a big fan of the wood and therefore I love dining table...:)
...dark color is perfect for the bedroom, ...looks cozy, stylish and is full of light...
...don't forget to notice wooden floor in whole flat and also green plants which are in every room...it is great choice because green plants help to create unique atnmosphere of this home....
Images via Notar
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