.....na nasom blogu sa ani zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna nezaobide bez uzasneho skandinavskeho interieru a tento dnesny vas urcite naladi na cely pracovny tyzden....
...tento interier je naozaj velmi utulny a to hlavne vdaka tomu, ze sa tu pouzilo drevo a drevene prvky, ktore sa podielaju na vytvoreni dokonalej atmosfery v byte velkym podielom....
...kuchyna je priam uzasna, ja osobne milujem tuto farbu kuchynskej linky ako aj celkovy styl...jedalenske stolicky, ci komoda pod TV su fakt uzasne....dokonaly vyber...
...do pozornosti by som urcite dala jeden velmi dolezity fakt a to je, ze aj ked je interier priestorovo maly, je velmi dobre a priam ucinne neprehanat to so zbytocnostami a nabytok vyberat naozaj premyslene a hlavne nezabudat na drevo a bledu farbu...vysledok je potom kralovsky :)...
...of course that I have to post amazing and cozy scandinavian interior at the start of working week and if you have a look today on Trendesso you will be very happy to see very cozy and cute scandinavian flat with wooden elements...yes I have chosen this interior because I fallen in love with perfect atmosphere in whole interior which was created also with wood and wooden furniture...
...the kitchen is really stunning...I love so much this color and this style of kitchen unit...the dining chairs and the cabinet under TV are fabulous...amazing choice...
...I would like to show you one very important fact....if you have smaller apartment like today's one please don't choose unnecessary furniture, decorations and other things...be very careful for perfect furniture maybe smaller but don't forget on wood and pale color...the result will be cool....
Images via Notar
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