.....zas a znova mi neda, aby som tento uzasny interier neuverejnila na nasom blogu.....na tomto klenote sa pokocha naozaj vela oci, co myslite?....v kazdom pripade po vzhliadnuti fotiek nizsie nam ostatnym sanka padne dole urcite :)......
....cely interier je uzasny svojou atmosferou, je sviezi, zaujimavy, pohodlny a hlavne utulny...
...patri ku priestrannym bytom, ale zbytocne tento priestor nie je zahlteny a tym mi velmi imponuje :)...
...su zvolene jemne farby, ktore navodzuju tu spravnu nordicku atmosferu....hoci si viem plne predstavit aj ciernu farbu stien v spalni, kedze je to priestranna izba a je zvolena bleda farba podlahy, bolo by to tiez fajn....
...utulnost podciarkuju aj spravne zvolene nadherne designove kusky nabytku, ci dekoracii, kozub, zelene rastliny v celom byte a nasej pozornosti nesmu ujst ani terasy, ci uz z obyvacej izby alebo z kuchyne...su vazne uchvatne....
...no a stylovu, krasnu kuchynu som si nechala nakoniec, patri medzi tie top a tato je uzasna, priestorovo velmi dobre vyuzita a kuchynska linka s mramorovou doskou je nadherna a nemozem zabudnut na pre mna dych vyrazajuci kuchynsky stol z masivneho dreva....WOW...
...again and again I have to post this fabulous interior on our blog....this space is really interior's treasure and I believe that you fallen in love with it like me :)....
....whole interior has amazing atmosphere, is fresh, interesting, comfortable and especially is cozy....
...it is spacious apartment and I love the fact that the space is used correctly without any unneeded things...and it is very important for comfort living...
...people who live there...chose soft colors which are good for nordic feelings....but I can imagine black color for the walls in the bedroom....I think it would be fine because the room is spacious and has a pale floor....
....cosiness is absolutely everywhere thanks to wonderful design's pieces, decorations, the fireplace in the living room, green plants in whole flat and we can not forget on perfect terraces, we can find here next to kitchen and living room...
....then .....what about the kitchen?.....I love this room, this space is stunning, stylish, is used perfectly, I adore the kitchen unit with marble's board and wooden dining table....WOW.....
Images via Entrancemakleri
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