...je jasne, ze skandinavsky design je slavny svojou jedinecnostou a eleganciou....kazdym dnom sa o tom presviedcame aj na tomto blogu, kde uverejnujem inspirujuce interieri, ktore eleganciou priam hyria a ani dnes tomu nebude vynimka...
...dnesny interier je uzasny od zaciatku az do konca vo vsetkych detailoch....ja osobne som fanusikom bielej kuchyne a v tomto poste som si jednoducho prisla na svoje a este k tomu ta podlaha....je to absoultne fantasticke.......
.....samozrejme nesklamali ani ostatne izby, ktore sa nesu v podobnom duchu, su plne elegancie, sviezosti a hlavne pohodlia, co sa mi na tomto uzasnom designe paci najviac....
...a v neposlednom rade sa mozu nase oci pokochat designovymi prvkami stalic ako su IKEA, ci HAY....no jednoducho povedane a napisane....radost pozerat, co poviete?
....it is clear that scandinavian design is famous with own uniqueness and elegance....we can see it every day on this blog, in every interior and we can find here a lot of ideas and inspirations...today's interior is the same....full of light and elegance...
...this apartment is very interesting from the start to the end in decorations and details....I am a big fan of white kitchen and today's kitchen is absolutely fabulous with black and white floor and I have to say only....WOW....
...of course that other rooms are stunning too...full of energy, freshness and comfort...
...we can see in whole apartment nice pieces from IKEA or HAY and others....it is pleasure for our eyes...isn't it?
Images via MOHV
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