.....no a prave dnes mam pre Vas uverejneny krasny priklad svetleho a elegantneho skandinavskeho priestoru....
....mozem Vam zarucit, ze Vas v ziadnom pripade nesklame, najdete tu uzasne kusky prekrasneho skandinavskeho designu...jednoducho radost pozerat....
...elegantna bielo - tmava kombinacia nesklame nikdy a tuto vecnu krasu mozeme vidiet ako v kuchyni, tak aj v spalni, kde ticho a v dobrom zavidim ten satnik :)
....no a samozrejme, ze v ziadnom pripade nezaostava ani chodba, ktora napoveda prichodiacim, ze byt je hotovy skvost....
...also today I had to post absolutely amazing scandinavian interior which is nice, light and elegant...
...I can say that you will be very satisfied to see lovely photo from these flat...you can find here cool pieces scandinavian design...absolutely fantastic....
....elegant white and dark combination is eternal always and you can start from the kitchen via the bedroom where I adore stunning wardrobe....
....and of course we don't forgen on lovely hall which can say to everyone that the interior is magical....
Images via Fastighetsbyran
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