...ani dnes, posledny januarovy den, kedy je uz konecne zima ako ma byt, nemozem vynechat a neuverejnit uzasny svedsky interier, ktory nam ma naozaj vela povedat...
...je to byt, v ktorom byvaju ludia, ktori miluju ako pohodlie, tak aj eleganciu v jednom...a prave tie nas sprevadzaju po celom byte...
...velmi dobre zvolene farby vo vsetkych miestnostiach nam navodzuju tu spravnu atmosferu a rozhodne sa nebudeme nudit ak pojdeme obrazok po obrazku, ktore su uvedene nizsie...
...kazda jedna izba, kazdy jeden meter stvorcovy je dokazom toho, ze obyvatelia maju skvely styl a miluju svoj domov....ci uz spravnym vyberom nabytku, dekoracii, ba aj textilii, ci farieb dokazali to, ze v tomto byte sa musi kazdy citit len a len dobre....
...also today, last January's day I have to post this absolutely fantastic swedish interior which shows to us nice and comfortable atmosphere...
...it is a flat where peole who live there, love elegance, comfort and style....and we can see these facts really everywhere in this interior...
...the colors are chosen very nicely and give to us the impression that this flat is interesting and comfortable...
...every room and every square meter is proof of one fact....people who live there have nice style and love their home...they proved it with nice choice of furniture, decorations, tetiles, lines or colors..
....I have to write that this home is creating by clever people very well.....
Images via Bjurfors
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