...aj dnes sa mozete tesit na krasny elegantny seversky byt, ktory potesi nejedno oko fanusika severskeho interieroveho designu....
...uzasna je kazda jedna miestnost a aj jednotlive zaujimave kusky v nich....
.....tak napriklad kuchyna, ktora je velmi utulna a prakticka...lavica je velmi dobrym a vhodnym riesenim a samozrejme, ze bez zaujmu neobidu ani kachlicky...
...no a v obyvacej miestnosti si myslim pride kazdy jednej z nas na svoje....geometricke tvary, nordicky nabytok, sviezost a priestrannost a najma uzasny luster davaju obyvacej miestnosti ten spravny smrnc....
...v ziadnom pripade nezaostava ani spalna, ktora ma ten spravny utulny a pohodlny look, velmi spravne zvolene farby a prave tie navodzuju dojem, ze v tejto izbe sa uzasne relaxuje....
...dnesny interier je naozaj krasnym a utulnym severskym priestorom...
...also today you can see nice and amazing, elegant nordic interior which is nice example of nordic interior's design...
...every room is wonderful and of course we have to see all interesting fabulous pieces inside of them...for example the kitchen which is very nice and cozy....the bench is very cool solution for the space and the lining tiles are perfect....
...and what about the living room?....oh yes....the geometric shapes, nordic furniture, freshness, spaciouss and of course the chandelier ...all these things give right nordic elegance to this room...
...of course...we can not forget on the bedroom which is stunning and comfortable with the correct colors and textiles....I believe that this room is perfect for the relax...
...today's interior is really nice and cozy scandinavian space...
Images via Bjurfors
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