....ano...je to aj tento byt, ktory splna predpoklady prijemneho a styloveho byvania...uz len tym, ze je priestranny, poschodovy a podkrovny...ziskava vyhodu utulneho pribytku a veru mozem povedat, ze nesklame ani tych najnarocnejsich...ze preco?...
...odpoved je az prilis jednoducha, staci si popozerat fotografie jednu po druhej a pridete na to, ze utulnosti v tomto interieri napomahaju stylove nordicke znacky, ktore svojimi vyrobkami dodavaju smrnc kazdemu jednemu byvaniu...
...mna osobne ocaril uzasny vyber nabytku, ci dekoracii a doplnkov, ktorych sa nenabazim asi nikdy, ale musim vyzdvihnut spravny vyber cierno - bielej podlahy v kupelni alebo aj nepatrny dotyk industrialneho stylu v kuchyni alebo aj v obyvacej izbe....
....na 100% nemozeme obist ani ostatne izby, ktore doslova prenikaju uchvatnou nordickou atmosferou, takze nech sa paci...pridete si na svoje...:)...
...yes...this is really fantastic nordic apartment which is full of stylish details...this flat is a lot of advantages and one of them is a space because it is lovely, cozy and attic interior which is able to offer inspirations also for everyone....
...if you watch the images from the interior you can see cosiness which is absolutely everywhere..in every square meter....that's right ....some nordic brands help to create nice atmosphere here.....but by the way...every nordic brand, every nordic product create lovely air in every interior...
...I love so much amazing choice of furniture, decorations and accessories in this flat and I adore especially black and white floor in the bathroom, it looks so cool...but I can not forget on a little bit touch of industrial style in the kitchen and living room...stunning...
...but also we can not forget on other rooms which are full of cute nordic atmosphere...so have o look on it...you will be satisfied with that....
Images via MOHV
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