...nepochybne aj tento interier patri ku tym, ktore sa nesmie a jednoducho ani neda obist bez povsimnutia...urcite aj z toho dovodu, ze elegancia a styl nas nedokazu pustit dalej...
...ano, elegancia sa tomuto priestoru upriet neda...vidime ju v kazdom jednom stvorcovom metry a samozrejme aj osobity styl, ktory kraluje tomuto pribytku...
...nepochybne sa neda upriet ani kvalitny vyber nordickeho nabytku...prave ten dodava smrnc kazdej jednej izbe...
...ja urcite ocenujem uzasny vyber farieb, pretoze tie dokazali dat celemu interieru svetlo a eleganciu, ale samozrejme je zaujimave sledovat, ako sa dokazali obyvatelia tohto bytu pohrat s detailami a s dekoraciami, ktore posunuli tento interier na vyssi level..
...I love this interior because is one of interiors which pushes us to see more of it ...... we want to see more because elegance and perfect style is very interesting ....
...oh yes...elegance is absolutely nice and it is visible in every square meter and also personal style which is characterical for this space...
..I love so much the choice of nordic furniture which is chic and gives correct look to every room.......
...I adore nice and amazing colors which have proved to create cool atmosphere and have proved to give the light and elegance to whole space too...but don't forget to watch nice details and accessories...stynning look..
Images via Skandiamaklarna
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