...tento byt mi ucaroval priam okamzite.....je naozaj neskutocny tym, ze ma v sebe omrvinku industrialneho nadychu...
...su tu skvelo zvolene farby, ci uz stien, nabytku alebo doplnkov....kuchyna je miestnost, kde sa urcite nielen uzasne vari, ale sa musi rovnako uzasne aj travit cas s rodinou alebo priatelmi pri jedle....lampy nad jedalenskym stolom su uchvatnym kuskom...
...obyvacia miestnost doplnena kozubom je prijemna izba, v ktorej sa relaxuje urcite skvelo, no a nakoniec spalna, ktora je podkrovna, ale velmi mila a svetla...
....v celom interieri su zvolene jednotlive kusky velmi citlivo a s vkusom, takze verim, ze sa tu musi len a len dobre byvat....
...this apartment is amazing and magical and I fallen in love with this space immediatelly...I love so much small industrial esprit ...
...the colors of walls, furniture or accessories are chosen nicely and correctly...the kitchen is the room where is create nice space not only for cooking but also for spending time with the family or friends...I like the lamps above the dining table...
...the living room where is the fireplace is cool and nice for relaxing and finally attic bedroom which is light and cute...
...I love every corner of this flat, every piece of furniture which is stylish and I believe that this space is very agreable for living...
Images by MOHV
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