....aj dnesny post Vas nesmierne potesi hlavne tym, ze v nom objavite uzasny skandinavsky interier, v ktorom vynikaju aj najmensie detaily...
...je pravdou, ze harmonicky celok vytvaraju krasne a nepatrne detaily a dnesny interier je toho aj dokazom...
...kazda jedna miestnost je krasna a hlavne svieza, je viditelne, ze domaci maju radi geometricke tvary, co mne len imponuje, ale hlavne maju radi dekoracie a doplnky, ktore spolu s nordickym nabytkom vytvaraju uzasnu atmosferu a skvele byvanie....do detailov je dotiahnuty nielen interier, ale za ten pohlad stoji aj terasa....co poviete?
....if you love absolutely everything around scandinavian interior, today's post is what you want to see today....it is the interior which has fantastic details....
...it is true that nice home is created by cute and interesting details and today's interior is the proof of it...
...every room is beautiful and especially with fresh atmosphere...the people who live there, love the geometric shapes and it is great to see for my eyes...:)...but they love decorations and accessories which make amazing air and cool living with stunning nordic furniture.....but not only the interior has lovely details but the exterior is also gorgeous with all cool things there....
Images via Skandiamaklarna
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