.....aj dnesny post, ako mnohe ine na tomto blogu, poukazuje na krasny interier, ktory je plny nielen sviezej atmosfery, ale aj uzasnych a elegantnych doplnkov...
...je sice fakt, ze v skandinavskom interierovom designe nie je problem najst krasne kusky, ci uz v nabytku alebo v doplnkoch, tak tomu je dokazom tento krasny byt, ktory moze byt byt pramenom inspiracii pre nas vsetkych...
....velky doraz je prave v tomto interieri kladeny na vyber nabytku, je priam viditelne, ze domaci maju radi drevo a to nie je vobec na skodu umiestnit do izieb, pretoze prave drevo nam cely priestor len a len zutulnuje...
....prijemnu atmosferu umocnuje nielen drevo, ale aj finalny styling s doplnkami, ci postermi a ten je chic aj vdaka farbam.....
...today's post as many posts before shows to us beautiful interior which is full of fresh atmosphere and amazing and elegant accessories...
...it is true that it is not problem to find nice pieces of furniture or other cool details in nordic interior's design and this apartment is the proof of it....but...also could be the source of our inspirations...
....people who live there were very careful in choice of furniture....everywhere i visible
thet they love so much the wood...it is good choice because the wood helps to create
cozy atmosphere ....
...pleasant air was created not only byt wood ...but also by nice final styling with the accessories, posters but also with colors....
Images via Erik Olsson
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