...aj posledny pracovny den sa Vam oplati " zabludit " na nas blog, kde objavite zaujimavy a krasny svedsky interier, ktory je plny skvelych inspiracii...
...samozrejme vo vyslednom look-u svoju vyznamnu ulohu zohrala ako poloha, tak aj architektura bytu...tie su naozaj krasne a dokazu ma fascinovat v kazdom jednom interieri...
...ako som pisala aj v predchadzajucich postoch, surova tehla sa nezunuje snad nikdy a chodba je jedna z miestnosti, kde s nou nikdy nic nepokazite...
...tento byt patri k tym carovnym uz len preto, ze v nom krasne pracovali s priestorom, s farbami a vdaka nim tak dokazali vykuzlit uzasny a utulny byt...ako to dokazali?
...uz len ked stavite na neutralne farby, ktore navodzuju prijemnu atmosferu, urobite velmi dobre, dalsim skvelym aspektom v tomto pripade je kozub, ale aj neodolatelne dvere, ci skvely nordicky nabytok....ano, jednoducho je to tak....so skandinavskym stylom sa Vam vzdy podari vytvorit prijemny domov pre kazdeho ....
...also last working day you can visit our blog where I have prepared interesting and fabulous swedish interior which is full of great inspirations...
...of course...nice final look was created by cool location and architecture of apartment.....these aspects are really fantastic in every nordic apartment...
...I wrote in last posts that bricks are cool material for every interior and the hallway is one of rooms where look amazing always...
....this flat is fabulous because people who live there have proven to work nicely with space and colors a created magical and cute home....how was possible?...
...it is simple...if you choose neutral colors which are able to make stunning atmosphere...you do well ...another nice point in this interior is the fireplace, unbelievable bedroom's door or great nordic furniture......oh yes...it is a fact that we are able to create with scandinavian style absolutely amazing and cute home for everyone...
Images via Lansfast
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