....po vzhliadnuti fotografii z tohto bytu mi to jednoducho nedalo a musela som ich uverejnit aj na mojom blogu...tento interier je velmi mily, zaujimavy a poskytuje uchvatnu domacu atmosferu....
...ano...atmosfera je ta, ktora zaujme na prvy pohlad a prinuti cloveka pozriet si byt detalnejsie a vonkoncom neolutuje...
...su tu velmi dobre zvolene farby pre jednotlive izby, ktore im dodavaju svoje osobite caro a to je doplnene aj zaujimavym nabytkom, ci dekoraciami...rozhodne neolutujete cas, ktory venujete navsteve mojho blogu a preskumani tohto krasneho priestoru...
...when I watched the images which you see below...you have to understand me why I posted this apartment on my blog today...oh yes...the interior is really cute, interesting and offer to people who live there really nice comfort and atmosphere...
...oh yes....the atmosphere is the fact which grab our attention when we see the images and we have to watch it again and again with all the details...
...I love so much the colors which are chosen well for every room....these colors create special magic there and when we notice beautiful furniture or decorations there it will be better....it is good when you visited my blog today...you can explore this nice place....
Images via Bjurfors
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