...dnesny post na blogu bude o velmi zaujimavom a velmi elegantnom severskom interieri, , ktory je naozaj chic...nenecha nas na pochybam, ze skandinavsky interierovy design je naozaj top...
...velku vyhodu tento byt cerpa z velkych okien, svetla v Skandinavii nikdy nie je dost...no a vdaka svetlu sa zvysila utulnost izieb...
...elegancia je podciarknuta uzasnym vyberom ako nabytku, tak ak aj farieb, ci dekoracii...pri severskych designovych znackach nie je problem si vybrat a tu je to vsetko absolutne dokonale...
...today's post on the blog is about nice, interesting and very elegant nordic interior which is really chic...it is a proof about the fact that nordic interior's design is absolutely top...
...big window is cool advantage in this apartment because the rooms need the light which give the cosiness to the whole space ...
...we can see the elegance in great choice of furniture, colors or decorations....we know a lot of great nordic desing's brand....so it is not a problem to choose for us what we need for our homes.....
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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