...aj dnesny post Vas presvedci o tom, ze architektura svedsky domov je viac ako zaujimava a rozhodne chyti za srdce....ku zaujimavym bytom patri aj ten dnesny, ktory na ukaze ako architektura a design navzajom ladia....
...dnesny interier patri ku tym priestrannym a svetlym...tento byt je dokazom toho, ze kazducky jeden interier so zaujimavym priestorovym usporiadanim sa da pekne zariadit....
....kuchynska linka je vybrana designovo velmi dobre a patri ku tym mojim oblubenym...nachadza sa na prizemi ako aj obyvacia izba, ktora nenecha nikoho na pochybach, ze tu byvaju ludia, ktori maju zmysel pre pekny design....
...na hornom poschodi sa nachadza spalna, ktora je v kombinacii s mojimi oblubenymi surovymi tehlami....na ne nedam dopustit a vazne vyzeraju skvelo v snad kazdom priestore...
...no a samozrejme nemozno vynechat ani balkon, ktory sluzi pre pohodlie obyvatelov bytu a ponuka neskutocny relax :)...
...also today's post persuaded us that the architecture of swedish houses is very nice and interesting and grabs our hearts....today's interior is very stunning and shows to us that the architecture with the design are able to create nice homes.....
..this apartment is spacious and light..it is nice proof of the fact that every interior with interesting spatial arrangement is possible to arrange nicely...
...kitchen's unit is very nice and chosen well and it is my favourite...it is located on the ground floor with nice living room which shows to us perfect design's style....
...the bedroom we can find on the first floor which is in combination with bricks which look amazing really everywhere...
....and finally the balcony which offers relax after long working day....
Images via Lundin
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