.....dnesny post Vam prinasa na zaver pracovneho tyzdna velmi pekny a zaujimavy interier, ktory zaujme na prvy pohlad...
...ano, ma vsetky vlastnosti, ktore by mal mat kazdy jeden dobry byt...je priestranny, ma velmi pekne priestorove usporiadanie a obyvatelia ho obzvlastnili svojim stylom, ktory stoji za to....
...typickou bielou skandinavskou kuchynou v kombinacii s tehlami sa absolutne nic nepokazi, je to krasne a hlavne svieze a ked su k tomu zvolene biele drevene parkety, tak to je len balzam na dusu :)...
...obyvacia izba je velmi pozoruhodna, pre mna sice trosku preplnena, ale prijemna....
...no a nakoniec je velka radost pozerat na spalnu, ktora priam ponuka pohodlie a relax...
...na zaver mozem podotknut, ze pre mna bolo velkym potesenim sledovat, ako obyvatelia tohto bytu volili drevo, tehly a uzasne postery, takze u mna len a len palec hore....
...today's post brings absolutely amazing and nice scandinavian interior which is interesting for everyone of us I believe...
...oh yes...this interior has all advantages of nice apartment ...it is spacious, has nice spatial arrangement and people who live there brings very nice and interesting style...
...this white scandinavian kitchen is very good choice and with bricks and white wooden floor looks absolutely cool ....it is really lovely...
...the living part is fresh but there is a lot of things for me....
....finally...the bedroom looks comfortable and offer the relax...
...I am really so happy to see that the people chose the wood, the bricks and nice posters and whole apartment looks fresher.....
Images via Stadshem
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