...dnesny post Vas urcite potesi neskutocne zaujimavym podkrovnym bytom, ktory ma svoje uzasne caro....mna osobne zaujal uz hned na prvy pohlad a veru som nelutovala cas, ktory som venovala na prezretie fotografii z interieru..
...byt je zaujimavy od zaciatku az po koniec a radost na neho pozerat..uz len tym, ze obyvatelia siahli po uzasnych farbach, ci uz stien alebo nabytku, ci doplnkov....ano farby dokazu vytvorit dokonaly finalny look a srdce domova....
...je fakt, ze k tomu vsetkemu napomaha dobre vybrany kvalitny nabytok, ci osvetlenie a tu v skandinavskom interierovom designe sa vonkoncom neda urobit krok vedla....
...today's post brings very nice and interesting attic apartment which has own stunning magic...I love so much this space and when I saw the images from this interior I had to notice more and more....
...the flat is cool from the start to the end with his atmosphere...it is very
important that
people who live there chose correct colors for the walls and also for the furniture
or accessories because the colors are able to create final look of interior and
the heart of home....
...it is true that the choice of furniture, the lighting and decorations help to colors
to create wonderful interior...but by the way scandinavian interior design offer only the treasures...
Images via BRSPEC
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