.....aj v mesiaci april budeme pokracovat v nasom oblubenom trende elegantnych skandinavskych interierov a dnes sa pokochame jednym z nich...
..tento byt je naozaj potesenie pre oci, pretoze splna vsetky kriteria uzasneho byvania...je chic od zaciatku az do konca...samozrejme k tomu nesporne dopomohla aj architektura bytu....
...interier je velmi zaujimavy a stylovy, obyvatelia tohto bytu velmi dobre siahli po krasnych posteroch, ci nabytku a dekoraciach, no a hlavne zvolili uzasne farby stien, ktory pozdvihli celu atmosferu bytu, tak nech sa paci popozerat fotky, pretoze stoja za to...
....we will continue in our favourite trend in elegant scandinavian interior also in this month and today I have prepared for you one of them...
...this flat is really pleasure for our eyes because is really fantastic and nice for living...this space is more than chic from the start to the end and the architecture helps to it also...
....the interior is very interesting and stylish...people who live here chose nicely cool posters, furniture, decorations and of corse...the colors of walls which help to create whole air of apartment....
....so You can watch the images below because are really stunning....
Images via alvhemmakleri
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