....no a je to tu...jedna z pricin preco milujem skandinavsky interierovy design je architektura skandinavskych domov, storocie, kedy sa stavali tieto domy s bytovymi jednotkami, malo uzasny a velmi dobry dopad na celkovy vyzor a konecny vzhlad severskeho interieru....
...dnesny byt je priam fascinujuci, ci uz ide o obklad stien, ci stropov, ale nakoniec velke okna vsetkym miestnostiam dodavaju smrnc...
...spalna sa stala mojou srdcovou zalezitostou priam okamzite....najviac k tomu napomohol uchvatny vzdusny priestor a styl celeho priestoru....
....v ziadnom pripade vo svojom style a elegancii nezaostavaju ani ostatne miestnosti, uz len svojim stylom, nabytkom a perfektnou atmosferou...
...and now ..it is a time to show you why I love scandinavian interior´s design ...one lovely feature of this interior is perfect architecture of apartment, the century when people started to build these houses with apartments was correct time for scandinavian architecture and nordic interior´s style....
...today´s apartment is fantastic....wall cladding, the architecture of ceilings, , big windows....I adore the space for these features and is absolutely chic...
...the bedroom is cute because looks fabulous and has fresh air....
....I think that this perfect style we can see in every room where we see cool furniture and gorgeous atmosphere....
Images via Entrancemakleri
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