....aj dnes urcite podskoci srdiecko nejedneho fanusika skandinavskeho interieroveho designu...ved nie je sa ani comu cudovat, dnesny interier, ktory som si pre Vas pripravila, je absolutne uzasny...
...pri prvom mojom pohlade nan som si vsimla jeho smrnc, ten je naozaj neprehliadnutelny a za to moze vdacit jedine svetlu....
...svetlo je vdacny prvok, ktory dokaze rozsvetlit nejednu miestnost a zaroven dokaze vytvorit nepredstavitelnu atmosferu, ide zaroven ruka v ruka zo skvelym skandinavskym designom a je to pohladenie pre dusu...
....v tomto byte vsadili na tradicnu bielu farbu, s ktorou sa nikdy nic nepokazi...ak je v kombinacii s drevom, ci uz s bledym, ako to vidime v kuchyni..( ... inak mimochodom, ta je viac ako skvela :)....) alebo s tmavym, vysledok je vzdy rovnaky - uchvatny...
....tento dnesny apartman som vybrala preto, lebo je jedinecnym prikladom toho, ze vdaka interierovemu designu sa tu musi byvat len a len dobre...
....I believe that you will be really satisfied as fan of scandinavian design that you will see the images from today's swedish apartment....it is fact because this interior is more than amazing....
...when I saw the images from this flat for the first time I noticed imediatelly that the interior is chic...is chic thanks to light which is able to create fantastic atmosphere absolutely everywhere and if is in combination with scandinavian design and scandinavian furniture, we can say only WOW....
...the white color which we see in every room, is very good choice, we know that this color is favourite in scandinavian countries and with wood pale ( as we can see in the kitchen which is by the way fantastic ) or dark the result is unbelievable....
....I chose today's apartment for one reason....is fantastic proof of cool scandinavian interior's design and is agreable for living....
Images via Ebtrancemakleri
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